The newest addition to our family, Roo!
Roo is the newest member of the family. She was named after Kanga's baby from Winnie the Pooh. We basically thought our puppy, Riley, needed a puppy. (Riley shown here in her Halloween costume. A fairy princess of course!)
Roo weighed less than a pound when we brought her home. Riley loved her immediately and in fact began to let her suckle. We thought this was nature at its finest but then Riley got sick with Mastitis. Oh my goodness, I never thought that getting this puppy would make Riley sick. I was scared and feeling guilty but we had to have her spayed, ASAP! Can you believe that the blood tests were the most expensive part of the entire process? Well, $300 later she is doing great. Roo weighs about three pounds now and Riley is getting fat but she loves her new little puppy!