Tuesday, January 12, 2010


It has been 187 days since Mike's accident at The Rose's camp out! His wrist is healing nicely but he had to have surgery to repair his rotator cuff.

The surgery for the shoulder went really well but the recovery was extremely difficult. I couldn't believe how much pain Mike was going through. It was unbearable for him and stressful to watch. He couldn't sleep or sit still for even a minute!! After a few days of misery, I couldn't take it anymore and I called the doctor crying and demanding we get a stronger medication. It worked, he was given Darvocet!! Yippee, now we can both rest....I gave him the dosage and watched him drift into la la land. Ahhhhhh!

After a couple of months he has finally been able to sleep for a full night in bed. His therapy sessions proved that he was a man to be reckoned with and that he was strong and could take it.....he was at 70% mobility. The only thing he can't do which is what he worried about from the VERY FIRST DAY, was being able to wipe...HA!

Okay, we had to get a treadmill!! 187 days of laying around causes havoc to the body and belly. We are both excited and ready to get in shape (Oh geez, I need a prayer)! We have stopped drinking alcohol and are eating healthy, which is a great start.

We will keep you posted on the progress..... I will not, however, show pictures or give out our weight :)



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